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Orders may take up to 3 business days to process & verify credit card information. Please allow 5­-7 business days for your order to be received, after processing.


We ONLY ship to addresses that are confirmed with USPS. If an address is unconfirmed, will need additional information to further process your order. Please be sure to revised address and include apt #, p.o. box, etc if needed for delivery.


Orders placed over the weekend will be processed on the next business day, excluding holidays. A signature is required for all of our orders to be delivered. It is always wise to order far enough in advance to allow for unanticipated delays. We are not responsible for late shipments due to holidays, natural disasters, or carrier delays. Please keep in mind holidays do not count as a business day and should be considered when calculating shipping times. We entrust USPS to deliver your package on time. You will receive a tracking number on or on the next business day the order has been sent. All orders placed after 5:00 pm EST is considered placed next business day.



Due to the nature of our products, all sales are final.  We do not offer refunds or exchanges. 





Tracking information will be sent via email. If an item is out of stock at the time of purchase, we will notify you via email. Shipping is a priority and expedited delivery is not available.





If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:



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